Course Introduction

Web Full-Stack Development with MERN | Cohort 2

  • Overview
  • Curriculum
  • FAQ
  • Reviews
  • Projects

The Background Story

This cohort is all about web and full stack development. Participants will learn more about the MERN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS) to build fast, robust and reliable fullstack webapps. Classes are given in many formats, such as online and offline lectures, prepared material book, and sample project, with the aim at the end of the cohort that participants will develop and produce a final project that illustrates all the learned concepts. Judges will be there to rank the top 5 projects and prizes will be distributed afterwards.

As the demand is getting higher and higher for such skillset, you will be gaining not only immense knowledge but also practical workforce as projects at the end of the Cohort are required where all the taught, presented, and resourced material to be implemented in a one-in-all, simple, crossed-platform mobile application.
More networking spaces are created within the 40 participants as well as the GDGAddis staff for more encountered opportunities to be provided on priority for the participants.

You will be re-building a sample project, an an Author Publication Website , and based on that, the course’s material will be presented.
The course is given on an Online Platform via Google Meet with E-Lectures given in a scheduled calendar. Office hours are to be opened where participants can ask the staff and discuss with them their progress in the cohort

The one-month cohort’s schedule is 8 days a month, 2 days a week, 2 hours a day for the e-lecture with follow-up 2 days for Office Hours for 1 hour after each day.
After presenting the final project for a panel of judges, top projects are chosen and rewarded.

  • 40 Total Students
  • 4.5
  • 14 Reviews

What you’ll learn?

  • How to Set-Up your environment as well as your project
  • SQL and NoSQL Database
  • Key Components of MongoDB
  • NodeJS Architecture
  • Web Servers & Rest API Development
  • Middlewares, Routing, ORM, and Web-sockets
  • Data Modeling with Mongoose
  • Clinet Side Rendering
  • Props, State Management, and Hooks
  • End-to-end best practises in MERN


  • Intermediate to Advance Full-Stack development experience
  • Intermediate to Advance Experience in MERN
  • Git experience
  • Committed to attend the course for one month
  • Eagerness to be challenged and work on real-world projects
  • Active participation in the course


Fireayehu Zekarias

Software Engineer
Know More
  • Where can I find the recordings of the E-Lectures if I missed any?

    All successfully recorded session will be uploaded to our official YouTube channel

  • Is there a maximum limit for not attending the sessions?
    If it is only for urgency, you are allowed to miss classes. The limit rate you are allowed to miss classes is 2 lectures in a row.
  • Will I be disqualified if I missed many classes?
    Yes, you will be disqualified for missing 2 sessions in a row as you are chosen from over 350+ registrants per cohort, and we are obligated to give an opportunity/open spot for other interested and committed participants.
  • Can I only rely on the recorded e-lectures, material books, and resources?
    We recommend attending all the e-sessions and office hours for a better understanding of the course. Additionally, you are not allowed to miss 2 classes in a row, so your reliability only on such requirements is not suggested
  • Is working in groups allowed?
    As long as your partner(s) is part of the tech camp, you can work in groups, which we suggest and recommend
  • What is/are the final project’s scopes?
    The more addition of the courses’ supplementary materials and resources, the more your chances to win. Moreover, you can go beyond the given material as long as you can implement it within the course’s schedule
  • What are the judging criteria? How will my project be evaluated?
    Feasibility | Functional Requirement | Material Application | Technical Methodology | UI/UX | Localization & Usability
  • Who are the judges?
    The judges are being selected from within both the local and global Google Developer Groups’ network.
  • What are the prizes? How can I obtain my prize if I am to be a top selected project?
    The prizes are selected based on the best item and hand-on-availability to the participant. You can contact us for more detailed information about how and when to receive your prize(s).

How did you find the Tech Camp overall?

4.4   14 Reviews

How helpful were our staff during the Tech Camp?

4.7   14 Reviews

Were the course materials clearly presented?

5.0   14 Reviews

Was the instructor able to explain all the presented materials during the Tech Camp?

5.0   14 Reviews

How did you find the Tech Camp prize?

4.5   14 Reviews

How did you find the judgment criteria?

4.2   14 Reviews


● It was great over all, if there was a progress report and milestone checks to track out progress it would have made it more interactive.
● Encourage or force students to build their project while learning.
● It's great but would be nice if it was in person.
● In my opinion the duration of the cohort should be extended.
  • 1st Place
    5 Minutes
    A website designed to overcome geographical constraints and purchase products anytime from anywhere over the internet.
    5 Minutes
    An online system which provides market place for selling and buying plants, AI based system which shows detail information about the plants we took picture of and event section to schedule community wide planting events.
  • 3rd Place
    4 Minutes
    A pharmacy inventory management system to help aid pharmacies in managing their pharmaceutical inventory.
  • 4th Place
    4 Minutes
    A website that helps us to find Books and Libraries.
    5 Minutes
    A website aims to reduce the overhead of finding houses by providing users pkatform to share and find houses online.
  • 6th Place
    3 Minutes
    An app where users can join and see what events are available all in one place and they can also add their own events.
  • 7th Place
    5 Minutes
    A web app that enable individuals to prepare food based on till now experimented food recipes and processes which are currently being applied by experienced professionals.
  • 8th Place
    A Web based app in which customers order flowers online and the orderd flowers deliverd at their respective address.
  • 9th Place
    5 Minutes
    A web based solution that a user can register and can view and filter movies based on different criterias.
  • 10th Place
    4 Minutes
    Chat-app for specific and is resolved by adding new features depending on their users.
  • 11th Place
    4 Minutes
    A simple way of organizing tasks that has to be done and/or has already been done.

Want to be part of Tech Camp Ethiopia 2021?

Register for the cohorts, and follow us on all social media platforms for news and updates